Monday, March 5, 2007

Outstanding Pre-Licensing! Over 85% Pass Ratio!

For over 20 years JELCE has been a leader in Pre-licensing. Our course books are thorough and cover everything on the exam outlines. Broken down into bite-sized modules they are easy to study and comprehend. In today’s hectic world where licensing is now required prior to hiring it is often difficult to get a potential recruit to take time off for a long class. Our Instructor-in-a-Box is the answer. Everything we used to do in the class – plus more – is on a CD so the student can study in their own time at their own pace.

· Audio visual overview of each module designed to work with the book
· Electronic Flashcards with audio in-depth answers from an instructor
· Simulated quizzes and exams with rationales that mirror most state exams

ADDED BONUS – For the recruiting manager it is often hard to know in advance which new recruits will have the self motivation to successfully compete in our industry. Self-study pre-licensing will give you valuable insight into the work ethic of your recruit before you invest valuable time and resources into them.

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